I forgot an item at the hotel, what should I do?

Contact the hotel to search under “Lost and Found”

Contact the hotel and indicate your request for conditions.

Click on the link to see the Menu.

Yes, the hotel has a gym.

Yes, there is an indoor pool.

Click on the link to find out about special offers

Yes, the hotel has a mobile app.

Yes, the app is available on all devices.

No, access via QR Code.

In Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Yes, please contact the hotel for more information.

Smoking is only permitted in outdoor spaces such as terraces or balconies.

The hotel has a free, unattended car park for guests and a garage at a cost of 9 euros per day.

Car parking has an additional cost of €9 per day.

Yes, you can book parking in advance.

Yes, all our hotels have a space where guests can store their luggage before check-in and after check-out.

The water circuit, which includes a heated indoor pool, jacuzzi, Turkish bath, sauna and gym, has an additional cost of €12.50.

SPA and health club services are open from 07:00 to 22:00 on weekdays and from 08:00 to 22:00 on public holidays and weekends.

Yes, you can use the spa services.

Yes, 1 pet is allowed per room with a maximum weight of 20kg. The cost is €35 per night. A security deposit of €100 is charged to cover damages.

The hotel has 10 meeting rooms with a total area of 890 m2, soundproofed, air-conditioned and with natural light, with a total capacity of 780 people, equipped with modern audiovisual equipment.

Yes, for more information, please send an e-mail to eventos.melia.ria@meliaportugal.com.

There are 2 lifts with access to all floors for guests only.

Yes, universal chargers for electric cars are available at an additional cost.

Yes, broadband Internet connection (wi-fi system).

Yes, the hotel has public areas and a lobby on level 0.

Laundry and ironing services are available on request.

Tuk tuk + moliceiro and moliceiro only tours. For more information, please contact reception.

No, the hotel does not have a babysitting service.

Once you have confirmed that you have lost your parcel, you will be asked to send an e-mail with the full address and we will forward it to Iberomail to arrange the delivery.

When invoicing, fill in the field corresponding to this authorisation.

Yes, Meliá hotels have the Meliá Rewards programme. You can find more information at this link: https://www.melia.com/en/meliarewards.

You can find information about more hotels of the Hoti Hoteis brand here: https://www.hotihoteis.com/.